Meaning and purpose become reachable when thinking with heart and mind, as they fuse into every aspect of life.
Look at the settings and situations of your life:
- Where can you increase practical effort?
- Where can you add heart?
Look at the settings and situations of your life:
- What stops you from being more practical where it could be helpful?
- What stops you from being adding heart where it could be helpful?
Note: journaling, a dialogue with yourself on paper, might help here
Making peace with life:
- Where don’t you feel at peace with your life
- What can change that?
Note: Move aside temporary difficulties to examine core aspects of your life
- Make peace with these temporary difficulties
- Again, journaling can help
“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky
“Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education.”
I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself.”
— Lone Man (Isna-la-wica), Teton Sioux
When the ideas are coming, I don’t stop until the ideas stop because that train doesn’t come along all the time.
— Dr Dre